Do you know that God really loves you more than you can ever imagine? God is so crazy about you. He loves you and wants you to know it. 

You need not worry about what was, what is or what might happen in the future. God knows more about you than you think. And that's why you need to pay attention to this right now. 

Stop worrying about the past, the present or the future. God was in your past, God is in your present and God will be in your future. Stop focusing on what you see or hear around you. Start focusing on God's love and presence with you. 

God is not envious but jealous over you. There's a big difference between envy and jealousy. When someone is envious of you, the person will be fighting to take or destroy what belongs to you. But if someone is jealous of you, it means that  the person will fight to keep and protect you.
Now that is how God sees you. You belong to him if you believe in his love for you when he sent his son Jesus Christ to die for you to live. And by the blood of Jesus Christ his son, you became his own. You have been sanctified and made holy unto God. God never ever want to lose you.

In the scripture, anything that is hallowed or sanctified has been made holy to God. That means it belongs to God and God's presence is on and or in it. So anything unclean that touches it is destroyed by the fire of God's presence. So also is everyone and everything that is brought under the blood of his Son Jesus Christ. If you believe in the blood sacrifice of Christ Jesus, then you belong to God and God is jealous over you. Anything or anyone touching you for evil shall be destroyed. No trespassing is allowed.

Beloved your joy and peace of mind and body matters to God. Anything or anyone troubling you shall be removed from you in the mighty name of JESUS. Always keep the blood of Christ on your mind and your mind on the blood and you will see the reality of God's love for you. You will experience his presence in a special way. And all your worries will melt away in his glorious presence. God wants you well and he wants you free. 

Keep your eye on his love. Say to yourself that your mind is forever set on the love of God for you. Say I set my mind on God's love for me in the name of JESUS. Nothing can stop me because God loves me and wants the best for me. God's protection is upon me. I will not be afraid of the circumstances around me. My mind is fixed on God's everlasting love for me. I am conscious of God's love for me in the mighty name of JESUS. Thank you Father for you precious and priceless love for me in the name of JESUS.

Beloved no evil hand will touch you, no evil eye will see you. No evil voice will call you in the mighty name of JESUS. Keep walking in the everlasting love of God that is in Christ Jesus and his love will keep and protect you.

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