The Spirit-Led Church in Christ
Picture a ship navigating a vast ocean. Without wind filling its sails or an engine powering it, the ship drifts aimlessly, at the mercy of the waves. But when the wind blows, the sails fill, and the ship moves swiftly and purposefully toward its destination. This is the Spirit-led Church. The Holy Spirit is the wind that drives the Church forward, giving it purpose and power. Without the Spirit, we may appear to be moving, but it’s only the tide of human effort pushing us in random directions. With the Spirit, we are empowered to live out God’s will, moving forward with clarity and strength. The Old and New Covenants Under the old covenant, the people of God were like sailors trying to row a massive ship without wind. They strained to move forward, relying entirely on their own strength. The law provided a map, but no power to follow it. In the new covenant, the wind of the Spirit fills the sails of the Church. Ezekiel 36:27 captures this shift: “I will put My Spirit within